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Sunday’s Monday

Many of us fail to realize the privilege and responsibility we have in making choices. Neither do a lot of people when it comes to the age of accountability, but that’s another story with its own merits. Choices like bombs come in a variety of sizes, each filled with its own enticements, and are developed to explode individually to accomplish a different task. Yet millions of people never seriously consider their choices to be that important, much less life-changing. This is where that old saying “hindsight makes no mistakes” found its existence. The gist is that if each of us could see the outcome (which is our future) we would make our choices accordingly. My definition of choices is, “one has been given the opportunity of options that calls for a mental evaluation in making a final determination to choose one or none of the said options.”

As some may know I was a textile colorist for many years, which merely means I was a dyehouse manager who could match the color of an object on apparel or cloth. I would usually explain my position to people as, “I am a professional guesser, I start with a small piece of fabric and guess (choose) what pigments (colors) will best match that sample, economically, with the highest productivity and quality. Then through trial and error, I would painstakingly determine how much of each pigment is needed to attain the desired color. When asked about my education for this profession I would explain that I attended that hallowed school of hard knocks, which simply means on-the-job training. Then I would reiterate that it was all about educated guessing and the deeper your education the more accurate your choices. I had a passion for that line of work and spent 35 years honing my skills, under some really good mentors. Once I got serious enough to dig into color and application, I uncovered everything needed to get er done. God just put the writings of King David in my spirit Psalm 42:1 (ESV), As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. David is making a choice to dig for more of God!

I have found that it takes so much more than attending church once a week to gain the education needed to find more of God! Far too many have become or are becoming comfortable in simply picking over the same area of knowledge that delighted them over the years and they’ve used it as their go-to, missing all those magnificent revelations that God has for them to discover. They’ve chosen to deny those challenges of discovery in lieu of what they feel is simple and comfortable. In short, if they read their bible, it is as a book, and when they pray it is patterned to be reused, just as going to church is little more than one’s civic duty. Their education ceased when they became disillusioned that they were good enough and their works and choices had earned them a ticket through those pearly gates. As King David writes in Psalm 42:2 (ESV), My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? It is thought that the songwriter is expressing that his soul is in deep need of God! This should be true of each one of us and should be our daily cry. The more of God we know the more contentment we will find in the results of our choices no matter the outcome. We learn best during times of adversity!

Psalm 42:7 (ESV), Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. This writing should be a mainstay of our everyday life however we must first understand it to represent God correctly. I found this paragraph in, James Smith and Robert Lee beautifully elaborate on this meaning of deep calls to deep in their multi-volume work Handfuls on Purpose for Christian Workers and Bible Students: “The deep of man’s need calleth unto the deep of God’s fulness, and the deep of God’s fulness calleth unto the deep of man’s need. Between our emptiness and His all-sufficiency there is a great gulf. . . . Deep calleth unto deep. The deep mercy of God needs our emptiness, into which it might pour itself. . . . Nothing can fully meet the depth of our need but the depth of His Almighty fulness.” What I’m trying to point out is the age-old wisdom, you’ll only get out of something according to the effort you put into it! Would you want God to think of you, as you do Him?

Lord My prayer this week is from Psalm 42:8 (ESV), By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. Father, I asked that each person the reads this blog be brought to the thought of the choices their making and the eternal outcomes they bring. Lord as we sleep may you sting us with your truths, that we choose each day to destine our life’s walk on your path as we continue from this moment forward into the hereafter dedicated to answering your call. Thank you, God, for loving us enough to allow us this choice. Amen




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