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Sunday’s Monday


      I had never given very much thought to the word “more” until the church went through a study on it and that lit my fire. There is more in every aspect of living on this planet, each day we live we learn more, have more opportunities, more experiences, more time, etc. More to me means I have one more day to get it right or God has more for me here. The irony is that most of the world is thinking of more stuff, a new car, a bigger house, a better job, more money, etc. Their thoughts are all based on selfish desires and not toward the kingdom as it should be. After all, we are told in Matthew 6:33 (NLT), Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. We must not settle for comfort; God is the god of more!

      I have been pondering the word more and realized it is nondiscriminatory as it can bring bad or good to anyone at any time. The deciding factor is up to us based on our obedience to follow God’s instructions. God is not known to reward repeated bad behavior but there is always a reward for those who choose to repent with change and seek more of God’s voice. Our obedience to hear more from God and then do what He says shall bring forth the best outcome to please you and God. Going it on our own at best has less than a 50% chance of succeeding, but even if it should make it, the struggle has robbed one’s joy, confidence, and trust through the sacrifices made to get there. More always inflates one’s expectations to unrealistic heights, igniting our pride to uncontrollable levels. This is why we must rely on God as the key to planning and advising to make it possible. God is the God of more wisdom, humility, patience, and long-suffering, everything needed to become successful. As individuals, we are not designed to make it on our own so He keeps us humble (when we allow it) by bringing together the perfect team to make it work. Remember Luke 14:11 (NLT), “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

      It’s all about the gaps. Those weak areas where we need strong people to stand in the gaps to enlighten, encourage, and engage with His new disciples. The experienced should desire more people to help and the new disciples should require and seek more of everything God. This is by design because we can’t be more like God if we don’t know anything about him, we can’t have a relationship with Him if we don’t want more of Him. This is a zinger for some new and old Christians, that hour you spend each morning with Jesus may not be enough, you must desire more. If you’re not speaking with Jesus throughout the day, you aren’t receiving all the Jesus you need. You need more! I believe Jesus wants to be like that brother you love to be around because He has so much cool stuff to teach you. Jesus has so much to teach us that there is no (comfort zone to pause in or rest area for those who feel good enough). We’re in preparation to join Him and His Father for all eternity sooner than we think and we must be ready. Look at Matthew 24:44 (NLT), You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. There will be no do-overs! Get more now and worry about falling short less.         

      God just gave me a little saying to help me with the word more, “In the absence of effort one will never find more” and I just noticed a second edge, In the presence of effort more always equals more!” Should you not believe it, I invite you to put it to the test with God, with your wife/family, and work, it can be applied to anything, anywhere. One will seldom get more by doing less, but, if you do, you’ll never have more. The old easy-come, easy-go scenario! Your deepest desires only become reality when your action matches your desire. I said all of this to say, if you want more of God in your life, take action by spending time with Him.

      Father God, I pray we all are feeling a need for more of you as it is written in Matthew 19:26 (NLT), Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” We need more of you controlling our lives! Thank you, Father, that we have a Jesus who has done more than could have ever been conceived by man because He wanted more for us. I thank you Jesus for choosing to follow Dad’s desire for reconciliation with us and for your heart to desire more for us. Lord, teach us how to discern complacency and not fall into that trap. 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NLT), Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. I believe this scripture has said all that needs to be said on the subject of more, the rest is between you Lord, and the readers. Amen




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