Sunday’s Monday
Passion is described in dictionary.com as a noun with 7 different definitions, of which 5 of them describe passion as a feeling of love or an emotion of lust while 2 of them hint toward passion being a desire. This was not quite what I expected and certainly not helpful toward describing my experience. So, I did a little reading on this subject as well as listen to several different speakers on the topic and came up with a definition I could own. Passion according to Paul Loftin’s is 1- Passion is not a preference, feeling or emotion, it is a genuine inter-determination and resolve to bring fruition to one’s deepest legitimacy. 2- A devoted belief (or practice) purposed toward obtaining a specific nature or way of life. This answered a lot of questions for me as to why there are people who are bursting at the seams with enthusiasm and a driving conviction toward a cause close to their heart. Unfortunately, for most this definition is a feeling of emotion which dwindles as soon as the world makes things tough for them. The pressures of living with true passion in a world of ongoing, never-ending stress from people who don’t share the same particular passion can constantly get in the way. Ergo, false, or good feeling passion will start as a huge roaring ball of fire producing a light so bright, this world can’t hide it. However, as time passes and the resistance grows, the roar is silenced, and the light is dimmed until it can no longer be heard or seen. The emotional elation which freed us from fear, once again, “even more” imprisons our innermost-being in endless confusion, and uncontrollable doubt as we now carry the guilt of failure. 2 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV), But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. Far too many passionate people simply dissolve into the worlds flow as it is easier and more widely accepted by the multitudes.
We fail to view passion as a direct outpouring from a thankful heart! Jesus teaches us our passion to follow Him can change the world through an overflowing of His love for one another. Jesus exampled the enormous need of quite time with God plus gathering with other believers in fellowship together. We (I) need to be encouraged by the witness of others actively living out their Passion with an exuberant determination to follow the heart of Jesus. Just as the bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV), 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. I have found this to be so true in so many ways in my own life and I’m certain I would have broken if not for my Christian brother’s!
God foresaw in me things that I couldn’t (at that time) possibly see in myself! He saw the good He place in me; He knew the potential He gave me, and He had seen the heart which He created in me from my beginning. While I was living out the darkness of this world God was preparing a mentor for me and for 23 years now this mentor has led to countless meetings filled with people of whom I needed to strengthen my walk with Jesus. My mentor taught me to surround myself with true passionate followers of whom operate on a higher level than I. These men and women would challenge, encourage, and support me in my passion to follow Jesus. In addition to learning how to love Jesus, I’ve been learning how to love other’s as Jesus loves me. God revealed this to me, the only way to love others is to weed out the earthly junk! I must get over the barrier of people’s faith, ethnicity, nationality, and attitudes. This can only be accomplished through realizing God created all and God loves all He created! To which I believe my mandate is to leave everything and everyone better than I found it! God keeps taking me to the well of wisdom, everytime I gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am regenerated in learning the pleasure of sharing life together in love, testimony, and praise. I firmly believe in Proverbs 27:17 (NIV), As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Again, I repeat my definition of Passion, Passion is not preference, feeling or emotion, it is an enthusiastic inter-determination and resolve to bring fruition to one’s deepest legitimacy. 2- A devoted practice purposed toward obtaining a specific nature or way of life.
My prayer this week is one that I use often in hopes of stoking “our” passion to follow Jesus. Ephesians 4:29 (NIV), Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. May our passion be contagious, and others catch it and prosper greatly! Amen
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