Learning to walk
Sunday’s Monday
I have had a great week as it started with Meals on Wheels, I love it! It is such an honor and privilege to meet with the seniors. I met a school mate that I haven’t seen in 50 years, what a blessing. My wife and I celebrated her 20th anniversary with Precedent Furniture and that was a treat, as she set this as a goal and made it. I am a little sad that my project helper went back to school this week (early college), so I’m working alone again. However, to see him learning and enjoying life is well worth missing him!
It only took a word this morning for God to light my fire. “Walk!” In the physical term it is something that I learned to do as a very young child. I can’t remember the experience and quite frankly, I’ve taken the gift for granite. The main reason for my disposition is, I can’t remember the out pouring of joy and pride which must have filled me at that time. I couldn’t walk fast enough, far enough or good enough to suit me, so I’ve been told. But here again, I’ve been told because my memory doesn’t go back that far. However, I grew to understand that not everyone can physically walk and for those that can, should they live long enough they may very well lose the ability to use this gift. Ironic isn’t it? I can’t remember learning to walk, I have mostly discounted the value in walking and seldom think, to give thanks to God for the gift of walking. That is until the gift is threated or taken! The same is true with my spiritual walk except I can remember accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I am on Fire but just as the bible warns in Deuteronomy 6:12 ESV, then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. I can become weak and take His goodness for granted! I could fail to appreciate the fact, He has set me on a journey from my beginning thru His eternity. It is very important to call on Him when I stumble, fumble and fall, as Jesus is my savior and guide through this world. I get such a focus on my destination that I miss the value contained in the journey. Ephesians 5:15-17 (ESV), 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. Not long-ago God gave me a (new/old) revelation that changed the way I view my walk. The walk that He has for me is never about the beginning, nor about the end, neither is it about the length and speed has no justification. My walk, the walk God has me on in this season, is not about success or failure, fear or doubt, lack or abundance. It is about recognizing my brothers and sisters along the way. I heard my pastor say many years ago, “lighten the load and enjoy the journey!” This is a statement of God’s freedom and I understood it however, it was a head knowledge and not a heart knowledge. God’s given me the opportunity to learn how to walk (spiritually) and remember the joy and pride of the accomplishment. I am designed to fulfill 1 Peter 1:22 ESV, having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, God has placed in my heart the need, desire and concern to meet and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. It has become a privilege, as well as a great honor to meet people (especially those of the household of God). I find it a great joy to share life together, uninhibited, truthful and sincere, without fear of condemnation, Gossip and/or hypercritical judgement. God provided me with a real-life definition or understanding of Hebrews 2:11 ESV, for he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers. God took a handful of very wise men and placed each exactly where I needed them as examples, in a time when they were needed most in my life causing a bond of love between us. I was taught to walk the way of Jesus. Oh sure! I stumble, fall and even crawl sometimes, but God has anointed brothers and sisters with His compassion, wisdom and patience to help me get up. As well God never leaves me, He’s more than faithful in my protection, provision and promotion as I am His own. I have learned to appreciate the walk through Hebrews 13:1 ESV, let brotherly love continue.
COMMENTS WELCOME…pal249@hotmail.com…08/05/2018