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Sunday’s Monday

Have you ever noticed and given thought to those days you desired silence, just to be alone for a while, seeking the calm found within the quiet? Christians seek to better themselves through mediation, they seek direction, instruction, correction, and wisdom. Many of them are solidifying, and strengthening the relationship that they have with Jesus, as well as instruction for the day. However, there are some who try diligently to avoid silence at all costs, because they know what is hidden inside the boundaries of quiet. They reluctantly enter silence with cautious reserve because they desire no thoughts of their past or current situation. Their silence oozes with the negativity of “what if”, I could’ve, should’ve, would’ve is eating them alive. I hope this lets you see how “silence can be the Chihuahua hiding under the porch just waiting to jump out and chew your ankles off.” The peace each side seeks is found in Psalms 62:5 (NLT), Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

Far too many of us have little to no appreciation for silence as we don’t understand how it works or what it can do. I’m one who enjoys the sounds of old hymns in the background when I’m writing, as it drowns out unwanted distractions and keeps me focused on my subject. However, that is not the case with prayer and meditation, we need total silence to hang on to every word or thought that Jesus gives us. I totally expect to feel, hear, and apply what God communicates to me. I desperately need a fresh revelation from Him each day to set my attitude and latitude to represent Him to the world. After all the gospel is not as much about shouting “repent or burn in hell” as it is Jesus loves you so much that He gave his life so that He can help you change yours, “if you’ll let Him.” Once we believe He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do, we’ll start to see change. He forgives our sins, making us acceptable to God but His love for us brings our new life into existence. I heard this said before, no change, no salvation! Jesus is the God of change as He exampled for us during His time in the flesh, only we can choose change, because of the free will promise. Jesus sent inspired instructions in, Lamentations 3:25-26 (NLT), 25The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.

For a lot of years, I sought noise to protect me from silence as I couldn’t stand being alone with myself; you see, I didn’t like me! I found my silence to be quite deafening with the thoughts of everything I’d ever done wrong, feelings of hate and anger screaming for action, and darkness filled with all kinds of evil. Within the soundless confine of myself, I was exposed and all alone, with nothing but nothingness in my future. Looking back, I can see that it was merely a sweet place or playground for Satan as he bounced evil thoughts around my mind like a basketball. For me, silence was to be avoided at all costs because it was a place of torture, where my enemy found great pleasure in destroying everything good within me as he consumed my mind. At that time, I was worthless, hopeless, helpless, and penniless, I was always less. But it is written in Isaiah 30:15 (NLT), This is what the Sovereign Lord , the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.

Hallelujah! Jesus shows up and takes me into this silence that I hate, and the darkness is removed, I can see within my silence all those things that had held me down and beat me up over the years. I recognize all the evil stuff stored there, and it doesn’t look as scary, and that horrible loneliness was removed. As I scan the silence, I see the source of the light and it is Jesus, His arms open and waiting for me to move in for a hug. At that moment I knew I would never be alone or clueless again. As the song says, “Silence is golden;” I look at how Jesus has cleaned up my silence and made it my gold mine. Today riches of family, friends, neighbors, and God’s unconditional love for me are my treasures to cherish.

Dear Lord, I pray Matthew 6:6 (NLT), But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Help us to know our only fear in silence is finding the results in the testing of our faith. Please, help us to deny Satan and not give him the victory that you have already won for us. May we eagerly join in silence before your throne and worship you. Amen



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